3DSISO is a portal to download free 3DS CIA games, here you will find roms for both your 3DS console and games for CITRA an emulator with which you can play both PC and Android devices.The 3DS games on our site are from various regions such as EUR/USA/Japan. To enjoy them you just have to download the desired game from our 3DS games catalogue and unzip it, then transfer it to your R4 card. 3DS Hacks - Convert 3DS ROMs to.cia Nintendo 3DS games can often be found in the.3ds format, which is intended for emulators like Citra. Nintendo 3DS consoles cannot load.3ds ROM files, however they can be converted to.cia format which can be installed on hacked 3DS consoles with FBI. Descarga 3DS Simple CIA Converter, ya puedes jugar tus juegos favoritos de tu Nintendo 3DS en tu PC con Citra convirtiendolos a formato.cia Descargar 3DS Simple CIA Converter.
3DSExplorer | |
General | |
Author(s) | elisherer |
Type | Utilitaire système |
Version | 1.2 |
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3DSExplorer peut ouvrir les fichiers 3DS et permet de récupérer quelques informations comme décrit dans 3DBrew
Veuillez utiliser la dernière version. Les anciennes versions ont des bugs que j'ai corrigés.
De plus, veuillez ne pas uploader cette application sur vos serveurs, mettez simplement le lien Google Code.

Requiert le .NET Framework 4.0, téléchargeable ici.
Peut ouvrir:
- Image des Cartouches CTR (CCI/CSU)
- Images des éxécutables CTR (CXI)
- Archives importables CTR (CIA)
- Icônes CTR (ICN)
- Banners CTR (BNR)
- Fichers Wave CTR (CWAV)
- Graphiques CTR (CGFX)
- Données du modèle de Banner (CBMD)
- Binaires des sauvegardes (SAV) (décryptés ou cryptés)
- Fichiers métadonnées des title (TMD),
- Multi-Picture Objects (MPO) , (3D Images)
Peut convertir:
- Des vidéos vers des fichier AVI MJPG en 2D ou 3D (Possibilité de télécharger directement depuis Youtube)
Option pour lire les fichiers 3ds/cci/csu à partir de fichiers zip/7z[edit]
Compressez simplement votre fichier 3ds/cci/csu dans un fichier 7z ou zip (avec n'importe quel autre fichier comme par exemple un fichier nfo)
Vous pouvez ensuite l'ouvrir depuis 3dsexplorer. Mais attention, seulement le premier fichier cxi sera chargé et la fonction sauvegarde ne sera pas disponible.
(3DSExplorer cherche le premier fichier avec la bonne extension et lit les 0x5000 premiers bits)
Journal des changements (En anglais)[edit]

- Added: The product codes and maker codes are now in a file called title.db
- Added: 3ds/cci/csu can be opened from zip/7z files with limited information (cci,1st cxi & crc32)
- fixed file tree activation bugs
- fixed some typos
- CCI: added an option to save cxi file (right click the CXI node in the file tree)
v1.1 - Happy Holidays
- New opens CXI files
- New opens CSU files (CTR System update - same as CCI)
- New opens ICN files (CTR Icons)
- Added QuickCRC32 tool to check for authenticity (also added CRC32 to hash tool)
- Generalized the explorer (the source code of the explorer is general, now it would be easier to add more file formats)
- 3D Video converter: Progress is working, fixed a lot, now works almost flawlessly.
- CCI: Added more information to the header.
- MPO: Added Nintendo's MakerNote structure.
- Better late then ever...update to v1.0 so I can continue with the regular
version giving.
- Added MPO support (3D Images taken by the 3ds camera)
- 3D Video Conversion tool to convert youtube 3d videos to 3DS-3D MJPG videos...
- more bug fixes (as always)
- Moved to .NET Framework 4.0 (because of OpenGL Support)
- Improved SRAM key search algorithm (fixes Starfox 3D)
- Added initial support for CWAV, CGFX
- New nifty about screen (3d logo)
- Preparations made for wav (CWAV) & 3d model (CMDL) decoding (WIP)
- Now the application needs 2 external DLLs for SharpGL
- Now checks for update on startup (can be disabled)
- Added link to the Google-code site
- CIA: Can replace icons with any picture you want (Saving enabled)
- More bug fixes
- CIA: Icons color mapping corrected (It's RGB565)
- ImageBox now has a zoom button.
- XOR Tool: New features: Xor byte arrays, AES-ctr sandbox.
- More bug fixes and mostly source code redesign
- CIA: Fix: Correct Ticket
- CIA: Icon color mapping fixed (RGB -> GBR)
- CIA: Added Banner icons viewing (Double click an icon to show it in the Banner's Metadata section)

Telecharger 3ds To Cia Converter V4 1.8
- Fix bug when opening TMD files
- CIA support
- Changed GUI + Skin
- Fixed some bugs
- More information on sav files
- Now all information is grouped
- Bug fixes for all contexts
- Hash tool supports HMAC
- Source code rewritten for optimization..
- [Experimental] Can now replace original files into sav image and save it to a new created sav file.
- Bug fixes
- Rearranged the gui
- Now the exe file is a release and not a debug.
- Context menu for files in the filesystem list.
- Fix for DATA partitions files save (wrong offsets)...
- Can now be associated with sav/bin/3ds/tmd files to open files from the explorer...
- Hashtool and XORtool can be opened while working with the explorer part of the program.
- New GUI
- Improved algorithms (SAV files mainly)
- More information shown
- NEW and improved Hash Tool.
- Works with most save files.
- More of the save structure understood
- Saving of files from the sav image fixed.
- Fix for the tmd (now has certificates)
- TMD: Still not supporting SHA1 type
- TMD now works
- Save opening was improved
- No question rather it's encrypted or not (autodetect)
- fix for save files from save image
- feature: save image file from sav binary
- new GUI now has file box
- fix for a few save files
- now can save files from save and 3ds (from 3ds still encrypted) by double clicking a file.
- when opening a crypted save you can save the key to a file
- now on google code using SVN (moved from github)
- changed the name of the application
- initial work on opening save binary files
- already opens save binary files, decrypts them and shows some info
- I'll be happy to get some help from you guys on this...
- opens 3DS files and creates a treeview with the information
- can't decrypt the ExeFS (as no key yet to be found)
Captures d'écran[edit]
Dernière Build[edit]
La dernière build est téléchargeable ici.
Telecharger 3ds To Cia Converter V4 10
Notez que cette version pourrait être buguée...
Telecharger 3ds To Cia Converter V4 1.5